Title Sequence
We already knew the Stevie Wonder hit "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" doesn't play in most international version of the film. What I hadn't seen before is the Lost Letter Mysteries title in the opening sequence, which made this clip unique and most definitely worth sharing. | |
Ryan's Spiral
A few extra seconds allowed us to see Ryan purchase the beer he had only joked about earlier in the film. Non-essential to the story, it was cut in the U.S. edition for this reason. | |
Becca & Shane
One wonders just how much sugar Shane dropped into this cup of coffee as she discusses with Becca what happened with Ryan and where she can find Maddie. Because the scene immediately following does such a concise job of explaining Maddie's situation, it likely rendered the scene unnecessary. It is a really nice scene, though. | |
Hospital Lobby
As if Norman hadn't already been through the ringer, Rita's stamp unveiling appears on hospital lobby television screen. It's nice to see her perform the duties that caused her to leave at Valentine's Day, but, unfortunately, it didn't necessarily advance the plot, and would be an easy choice to cut for time. | |
Too Special
This neat little NoRita conversation actually takes place just before we catch up with ShOliver at Montaldo's, and was likely cut to preserve the shock factor of finding out the letter really was written by Ann Rutledge. | |
Also many thanks to Lesley once again for grabbing these scenes for all of us to enjoy!
Always Looking,