Let's be honest---you probably already loved Eric (and the characters he portrays) long before he ever became Oliver O'Toole.
For many of us, we discovered Eric portraying recovering playboy, Daniel Meade, on Ugly Betty (2006-2010). Or perhaps you caught him playing Wayne in Hallmark Channel's Reading, Writing & Romance, or as the lovably dorky Harold White in How To Fall In Love? Whatever the case, you were probably pretty excited when you discovered he was playing our Oliver.
While Eric's range is incredible, there's something particularly special about his portrayal of Oliver. I will always maintain that it's one of the best male television performances of all time. And while he'll be humble enough to tell you it's due to Martha's writing, we all know that to carry out Martha's vision requires the tireless talents of the actors who bring them to life.
Like how he can build pretty much anything, out of anything:
His wit and charm certainly doesn't hurt, either:
My sincerest apologies.
Still waiting to see if Oliver's "woodworking" skills extend beyond the construction of a porch swing though... |
So it is for all these reasons we wish you, Eric Mabius, a very happy birthday! May you have many more, and may we all have many more years with Oliver O'Toole!
Alright, POstables, it's your turn---Leave your birthday wishes in the comments!