It's been two years since I issued a Thanksgiving Survival Guide, and since then a lot has happened. So here's your updated list of tips for turning the whole family into POstable-faithful. Pack ProperlyBring those DVDs along. You never know when the need for quality family programming will arise, and Signed, Sealed, Delivered definitely fits that bill. Besides, you never know what family member you'll get hooked---you might have to send them home with a few to watch on their own to catch up! |
PlaylistMake sure you've properly loaded your MP3 device with the POstables soundtrack. If you're not quite set yet, check out the Music section for tracks from every film and get downloading. Use it to get you through the long trip to see the family, or turn it on in the background to set the mood for your meal and post-dinner activities. |
Post-Dinner Plans
You just finished dinner. While some are ready to watch football, others are entering a food coma from all the turkey and looking for something to do. Pop in For Christmas to start a new holiday family tradition to kick-off the Christmas season right. Now that you've got everyone's attention, flip back to the Pilot or series to keep the fun going all afternoon/evening. Haven't written your #Deliver2018 letter yet? Grab pens, paper and crayons, and convince the kids or little cousins to draw postal-related pictures you can include. Don't forget to mention in your letter all the ways you snuck Signed, Sealed, Delivered into your holiday plans and all the new POstables you made! |
POstables Bonus Round
Here are a couple more ambitious ways to integrate Signed, Sealed, Delivered into your Turkey Day. If you're making the meal or required to bring a dish, consider making it something from the show, i.e. Shane's Everything Salad, YooHoo (candy or drink), mixing Arnold Palmers or whatever other way you can think of to get creative and incorporate it. Trying to figure out how to engage that intellectual that would rather discuss what they're seeing on TV as an academic exercise? Show them Alameda & Downing---because sharing is caring! |
Got any ideas to share with your fellow Postables? Share them in the comments!
Wishing you a safe & blessed Thanksgiving,