Shane went to his father's house to look for him.
Shane went to His Father's House and actually found (H)im.
Somewhere between these two statements is a transition, from the "seen" to the "unseen," where Shane begins to "walk by faith, not by sight," (2 Cor 5:7) and where Joe's house and the chapel stand on either end as visual proof of the transition not only for Shane, but for Oliver, too.
Joe's House
Shane went looking for Joe at his home because she entrusted Oliver to Joe's care. Whether consciously or subconsciously, she had charged Joe's father with the responsibility of bringing Oliver back home safely. Interestingly, what Shane doesn't realize is that she hadn't sent Oliver out to the Wilderness to Joe, she had sent him out to God. Following instincts and "making the call" up until that point were part of His Divine Plan. And, in the end, it was only God who was going to be able to do finish what He started. Not surprisingly, Shane would have to find Oliver's Heavenly Father before she would truly be able to find Oliver.
Table Talk It's no coincidence that Dale and Shane had some time to chat while they waited on information about Joe and Oliver. Unbeknownst to either woman, the content of their conversation would provide the "unseen" key to finding Oliver, and ultimately God. All of Shane's questioning about faith finally found expression when she asked "what the point" of prayer is. The answer, "I don't pray to change God, I pray to change me," presented what would ultimately be the consequence of Shane choosing to pray---being changed in some way. And it wouldn't be the last time that evening Shane received advice about prayer. |
Sight Unseen
As Shane speaks to Rita on the phone, you get a sense that everything is falling apart. Not only can the search parties not get to work until first light, she is without those closest to her and, we can assume, feels partially responsible for the situation overall given it was Shane who sent Oliver out with Joe. Later, as she stands alone watching everything going on around her, one thing is abundantly clear---what she "sees" is failing. |
But the end of sight is the beginning of faith, and it's on this Truth that Shane eventually stands when she "makes the call" to pray. While we will never know exactly what she prayed for, we can assume it had everything to do with bringing the O'Toole men home safe and whole. Shane couldn't "see" the method for their rescue when she prayed for it, yet by placing her faith in the "unseen" she received a tangible, if unexpected, response in Sandy.
In lifting Oliver and Joe up in prayer, Shane surrendered their rescue, control of the situation, and even herself, to God. And it's this Divine exchange----the prayer and witnessing its unconventional answer---that serves as the "key" to much more than Shane could have possibly imagined.
God's House
What takes place in the hospital chapel is merely the proof of the Divine work that took place at El Dorado Canyon. Notice we don't see Shane's entrance to the chapel. Her entry to the Father's House is "unseen," as it were. And her demeanor there is so unlike it was when her search for Oliver began at Joe's house. Here, Shane exhibits an uncharacteristic peace about her that is new, no doubt the result of surrendering herself, and the content of her troubled heart, in prayer. |
Not only is Shane "starting to believe," but witnesses a stripped down Oliver who is candid about his experience in the wilderness, the content of his heart, and even his hope for the future. In addition to his physical presence, Shane is finally able to "see" the "unseen" content of his heart that was hidden from her previously. Shane and Oliver connect on a whole new level, complete with Oliver thanking Shane for "saving his life," which can be interpreted in both a literal and even figurative sense. She truly "found" Oliver.
When Shane sent Oliver out into the wilderness, she sent him not to Joe (or his house), but to God. As a result, Shane would have to "walk by faith, not by sight," to bring him home. In the process, Shane traded what she could "see" for what was "unseen," and ultimately found her way not only to Oliver in a physical sense, but in a spiritual one as well, reunited with him in the Father's House. Transitioned, ~C |