I've managed to dig up a bit of that information, and, in some cases, plot points as well in what is no doubt my most successful roundup in terms of information quality to date! Let's start with the least spoiler-y and go from there!
First, meet Peter Hanlon, who will apparently be making a cameo role in SSD 5, though, unfortunately, we aren't quite sure what role he'll be playing...
Now here is where it starts to get interesting. If you wish to remain ignorant of ANYTHING to do with the plot of SSD5, you should become increasingly cautious starting now.
That said, what I am about to reveal refers to only one character, and the extremely brief plot point perhaps even more vague than the synopsis Hallmark provides in advance of typical premieres, meaning it in no way gives up major points. At the very least it just gives you something to think about.
Now, what did I stumble upon exactly? Read this: [P.S. If you want to avoid ALL spoilers, this is your last chance!]
"MOVIE #5 STORY LINE: When a mysterious mail carrier starts taking thousands of letters "hostage," Oliver realizes that the perp in question holds a grudge against Oliver's family, and will destroy the letters unless his highly unusual demand is met..."
Sounds ridiculously awesome, doesn't it? Family drama, a hostage situation, unusual demands, a postal system on the verge of anarchy---and Oliver O'Toole square in the middle of it! I almost can't handle my excitement.
Lucky for me, I also stumbled upon not only the bit above, but also two character names and the even bigger plot point with which they are associated. They also increase my level of excitement not only because I found them, but also because they tie nicely with some of those themes we know Martha is looking to explore for the remainder of the year.
Here's a description of Graham and his plight in the upcoming film:
35 - 40, this handsome and talented young man is a singing waiter at a popular local supper club. He and his girlfriend, Nikki, entertain patrons with amazing duets and have dreams of performing on Broadway some day. But when Graham breaks up with Nikki, she's devastated -- until she later realizes that he still loves her, but had a pressing family reason behind the break-up...GUEST STAR (14) NOTE: SEEKING A STRONG MALE LEAD WHO CAN SING BROADWAY TUNES. MUST BE AN EXCEPTIONAL SINGER."
Sounds like the recipe for a winner, right? So now we have two solid story lines---the only question now is how do they intersect?
I don't know about you, but although I have a lot of feelings towards what's on tap to occur, I'm going to reserve my predictions until I have a little bit more information. But I suppose I shouldn't wait too long, given that SSD 6 scoop has to be right around the corner as well. Or is it?
While I get my thoughts together, let me know your thoughts on this news in the comments---try to keep the more sensitive bits off social though---let's not spoil it for our fellow POstables!
Ready To Discuss,