There has been a lot of talk across the twittersphere lately about the Signed, Sealed, Delivered set, making trips to Vancouver, and even trying to put together a Hearties-style Family reunion for us Postables.
Oddly enough, instead of formulating how I would get there, I was immediately compelled to start dreaming about all the things I would like to do when I actually make it there. Mind you, I have no invitation or plans at this point. But I do believe that, as we touched upon yesterday, God gives good gifts to His kids. And when we dare to ask for big [and you better believe I have been], He often delivers BIGGER.
Here are some of my SSD #SetGoals, in no particular order:
- Have a general life conversation with Martha---because obviously this is the #ultimatesetgoal. Maybe hug her---or is that weird?
- Start a scene, yell "Cut!" or "That's a wrap everybody!"
- Be a background extra.
- Take an obligatory group photo with the cast and Martha before I leave, knowing how blessed I was for the privilege.
So, POstables, what would your #SetGoals be? I know you've got them, so share them with me in the comments!
Packing My Bags In Good Faith,