1. Let's get out of town! I don't know about you, but I still haven't forgotten that, while in town, Becky Starkwell turned the Postables into a Special Task Force with wide powers of discretion and a travel budget! When are we going to see our Postables visit the beautiful shores of Portland, Maine or make a trip to Washington, D.C.? I could only dream of where Martha could take the team and what might cause them to venture outside Colorado state lines! And, if they do stop by the nation's capital, I would love to see Shane and Becky do a girls-only lunch for a status update about Oliver. Oh, how much there is to tell! |
2. The National Pageant Now that Rita's reign as Miss Special Delivery 2014 is coming to a close, isn't it about time she competed in the National Pageant? We know there has to be one because in "A Hope & A Future," Norman told his grandmother that if Rita won, she would be on a whirlwind world tour for a year. I'm not an expert on pageant cycles, but shouldn't it be around the corner? I think it would be fun to see her compete. And, if she won, it would be a nice plot point to see if Rita would take the title and year-long tour to fulfill the duties of her office, consequently leaving Norman behind, or choose to stay at the DLO. Could you imagine if Norman decided to leave the DLO and follow Rita? So many possibilities on both sides! |
What would you like to see from upcoming SSD movies? And I don't mean, kisses, engagements or weddings--- those are a given! Leave your suggestions in the comments. You never know who might see them!
Itching to Travel,