House Rules: How To Make The Weather
A cute play on a line of dialogue, it captured the essence of Norman's journey during the early part of the series, which, perhaps not coincidentally, also had to do with Rita, to whom Norman uttered the clever phrase.
NXD: A New Formula
The follow up to his original House Rule, this analysis demonstrated Norman's new challenge as he tried to navigate his still very new relationship with Rita. Cleverly, he drew on something close to Rita's heart to do so, Renita Hayweather.
What's In A Name? - Norman If you want to know what motivates Norman, one need look no further than his name. This analysis grasps Norman's core and gives us a completely new perspective on who he is. Uncharted Waters No question From The Heart was an emotional roller coaster for Norman, but in the end the lesson he learned will make him a better relationship navigator moving forward. |
Because some moments are better in a montage---this is one of those.
Grabbing My Shades,