It's clear from the very beginning that Topper and Sandy had an instant, deep connection. Even the trainer said she had "never seen a dog and a man who loved each other so much." Their lives in each others' hands, they relied on each other in a deep way, a way that transcended even their eventual separation. Though Sandy remained at the training center, Topper never ceased pursuing Sandy, letting her know she was wanted, needed and imploring whoever read the letter to make sure Sandy knew that. In the end, it was their love that eventually reunited them, and perhaps even prompted Sandy to take that first step and start "retrieving" again, finding Oliver and Joe in the forest. |
Despite its inevitable ups and downs, by the time we arrive at Lost Without You, Shane's relationship with Oliver has transitioned from a friendship into a blossoming romance. Inside this romance is a selfless love that places Oliver's need to spend time his with father above her dream date at Montaldo's, rallies every possible resource to find Joe and Oliver in a time of crisis despite her own reservations, and that, despite "not [being] a church person" or "know[ing] how" to pray, finds Shane on her knees in the woods interceding in prayer on Oliver's behalf. |
Remember that it was only a few days before that Shane stood outside Dale's office watching Dale and Oliver pray. Shane seemed alienated from Oliver in a way that visibly, and deeply, troubled her. By the end of Lost Without You, Shane's transformed heart leads her unprompted to the hospital chapel, grateful for her answered prayer. Sharing the pew with Oliver, she is no longer alienated from him. In fact, she is closer to him than ever before, Shane connecting with Oliver's core---his faith---through "what [she is] starting to believe." This first step, made independent of Oliver, seems to open his heart even further, Oliver thanking Shane for "saving his life," a phrase whose multifaceted meaning will continue to be the subject of discussion moving forward.
The strength of their bonds on full display, Topper and Sandy, and Shane and Oliver, motivated by love which "desires more for the beloved than it does for itself," were not only reunited, but, particularly in Shane's case, drawn closer to an even deeper source of love than she could have imagined.
Drawn In Too,