Here are a couple ideas:
- Signed, Sealed, Delivered to/in Washington
- Signed, Sealed, Delivered to/in D.C.
- The POstables Go To Washington
- Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Diverted to D.C.
- Signed, Sealed, Delivered Across the Miles---since the letter probably originated in Afghanistan and traveled all that way to Colorado, like the POstables travel all that way to D.C. Also a possible reference to Rita traveling the world if she wins the pageant.
I think SSD: Diverted to D.C. is probably my favorite, but I would love to hear your suggestions!
So leave them in the comments and come back all weekend and add new ones as you think of them! You never know when Martha might need to crowd-source a movie title!
Don't forget to come back next week as Washington Week roles into week two! There will be speculation, reflection and a whole lot more, so be sure to check out Washington Week: Extended Delivery starting Monday!
Thinking of More Titles,