Perhaps the most poignant of Signed, Sealed, Delivered films----only rivaled by Impossible Dream---For Christmas is a film with messages and themes that transcend the season for which it was written. As you're well aware, the story unfolds as the Postables prepare to celebrate their first Christmas together, only to have plans change when a mysterious man named Jordan Marley presents them with one last letter that must be delivered before Christmas. But, unlike the 20,000 other letters the Postables have diligently worked to process over the course of the previous month, this one is a little girl (Hannah's) letter to God. Nursing wounds from her own seemingly unanswered letter to God from Christmas past, Shane is the most reluctant among the Postables to believe a difference can be made. Unbeknownst to Shane, while she works to make a difference for Hannah by restoring her dream of being a shepard in a Christmas pageant, a dream Shane once thought lost is restored as well. The same could be said of Oliver, whose ghosts were causing him to ba-humbug as much as Shane, but for entirely different reasons. We've discussed before on the blog that For Christmas marks the downhill slide towards Oliver's ultimate deconstruction. This installment Oliver is reminded, with the mysterious Mr. Marley's help, of the reason for the season and that he's never alone---and that's just the gist of the deeper message being conveyed! In the end, both Shane and Oliver's hope and joy are restored to them, paving a very important path in their relationship growth as it pick up in From Paris With Love. What makes this story about restoration, redemption, family and love so great is that its messages touch both the faithful and the faithless. The Postables grapple with all of it in real time and in real world situations---and they act as an example to the rest of us! I just love it! |
And of course no review would be complete without a nod to the NoRita storyline, which taught us all that honesty is the best policy. We also learned that physical contact is a privilege, not a right, and it's definitely worth waiting for! And then there's what I like to call the ShOliver "love triangle," which didn't really exist because one of them was an angel. Funny thing is, while Jordan Marley did appear out of nowhere, and many have made the argument that it's that fact which most irked Oliver, I would argue as an angel, Jordan actually "knew" Shane longer and better. Who do angels work on behalf of? Yep, that's right! |
This review would have probably been a lot easier and more in-depth had the film not been out in the world for over a year and having already integrated it myself into the greater narrative through ADblog theories, etc.! It's so much easier when things are fresh and new and people are still reacting! But you know how amazing, and what an absolute treasure, this movie is for more reasons than I can even detail here! It did win a Christopher Award, after all! So with that, I'll leave you to re-watch this timeless classic as many times as you feel it necessary. Prepping For Re-Watch Herself, ~C P.S. if you're looking for a fun, play-by-play review of For Christmas, check out this one at Patheos---this one rhymes! |