We've talked about it several times---all the times Shane tried to push her relationship with Oliver places it wasn't ready to go. But I think in my analytical haze I neglected to cover the most obvious methods through which Shane set her sights on Oliver, and executed with varying results.
The Song
What's interesting, however, is that song she chose. Really, Martha Williamson chose the song. But as the character Martha created, Shane made a conscious decision. Sure, it definitely fit well with their routine tempo. But take a second to listen---and I mean really listen---to the lyrics of the song she chose, Billy Joel's "And So It Goes":
So I would choose to be with you,
That's if the choice were mine to make,
But you can make decisions too,
And you can have this heart to break.
It described them both perfectly, in a painstakingly beautiful way---Oliver wanting to be with Holly, and Shane wanting to be with Oliver. And, if the results of this entire situation were any indication, Oliver truly did have Shane's heart to break---and he definitely broke it for a minute.
The Christmas Dress
I recently chatted about howOliver and Shane use Rita and Norman as a conduit through which they navigated and negotiated their own relationship. In that post I showed you a clip of Shane and Rita from the Christmas film where Shane encourages Rita at the salon to buy a new dress and pursue her relationship with Norman more directly.
It didn't occur to me until the moment I pulled that clip that Shane had a distinct plan. Do you think Rita would have gone to a salon before the Ball if Shane hadn't made the suggestion? And do you think Shane just pulled that bombshell red dress out of her closet that night as a last-minute decision? I doubt it, Postables. Shane, consciously or subconsciously, had a plan. Dare I say it worked. Rarely do we find Oliver speechless. |
Oliver Almost Lets It Slip
If ever there was a time Oliver let his potential interest in Shane fly like a mailbox flag it was in For Christmas. Jordan Marley encroached upon territory which Oliver considered clearly marked, and he made it known just where the boundaries were. Oliver's speech to Shane was wrought with allusions to his long-term plan for courting her, which apparently began to take shape when he shared his dance lessons with Shane.
He takes great care to explain to Shane that the dance steps learned with him were to stay between them. It was his way of laying the foundation that would eventually earn him the right to dance with Shane for the long haul---literally and figuratively! Fortunately for Oliver, this conclusion is so deeply buried in between the lines that Shane didn't seem to quite grasp the implication or its consequences. She certainly understands, however, that Oliver is upset about something. She only realizes he's serious after Oliver dips her. |
Pleased With The Observation & Totally Sold On The Conclusion,