I had been recuperating from pneumonia and watching television was the only thing I wanted to do. Pneumonia is an illness that for me was very debilitating. So when Hallmark Channel’s Signed, Sealed, Delivered series marathon was on, I decided to watch it. "What the heck, it may be good and not just another sappy love story," so I thought. It didn't take long before I was mesmerized with it and found that there was a message in them, while a little bit vague to me, I decided to continue watching and finally recorded them.
I experienced my first heartbreak at 7 years old. My dad moved away and my parents divorced. I was angry at God and took it as a personal insult and wouldn’t talk to Him for quite some time. So I could relate to Shane telling Oliver of the same happening to her and that maybe she should have asked Santa for a puppy instead of asking God to bring her daddy back. She admits that it turned her into a bah-humbug person. Me? I just became cynical. Part of my self-constructed protection was to become the girl who could be the entertainer at a gathering or party by making the people laugh. All that did was bury my heart more with emotions that needed to be healed. |
Divorce #1 enabled my two beautiful daughters and I to become very close and we were happy. But it took me eight years to finally get closure and move on. Divorce #2 was the icing on the cake and I vowed that I’d never marry again. That heartbreak took another six years for me to move on with my life. Then as I heard Oliver admit to Shane that every woman in his life that he had loved broke his heart, I could relate because that/s exactly what I did by never allowing myself to get into a position again of caring for another man. I even told friends I would never, ever marry again and closed off my heart. So to say that there was a message for me of hope in these beautiful episodes is an understatement. I felt like all of me, and the hurt that had my heart frozen, was revealed.
Each episode kept me prodding on as I watched the characters unfold events similar to my life. I am still enjoying watching them again and again as they continue to inspire me. Real people with real hurts need the hope that this series can inspire. The actors are just amazing and I am thankful for them. In Jonathan's letter to Katherine in The Treasure Box, he asks that Katherine reach for the stars, to breathe again, to live again. I've told my heart to beat again, to breathe, to be happy and keep hoping in He, who is the Restorer of my soul. Many of the POstables and their real life stories are not only on screen, but in our hearts, as a reminder that there is radiant hope just waiting for each of us if we will just trust Him and His unfailing love. |
As always, the Living Letters series continues as long as there are stories to share, and I'm always looking for submissions. If you would like to contribute something about how Signed, Sealed, Delivered has impacted your life that you'd be willing to share here on A&D, feel free to email me.